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Renzo Bassani
Architect & curator
Architect, member of the National Board of IN / Arch, he graduated in 1980 at the Politecnico di Milano where he collaborated in research programs funded by the Ministry for University and scientific and technological research and taught from 1994 to 2013 as adjunct professor in Architectural and Urban Design. He has participated in initiatives in Italy and abroad as a teacher and speaker at international seminars. He has edited volumes and published essays and theoretical contributions in specialized journals. With his studio and in collaboration he carried out design activities in the field of architectural and urban design.
Paolo Belardi
Civil engineer
Paolo Belardi (Gubbio 1958), graduated with honors in Civil Construction Engineering in 1982 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, is a student of Vittorio De Feo and is full professor of “Architectural and urban composition” in the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental University of Perugia, where he is president of the degree course in Design, head of the degree course in “Planet Life Design” and delegate of the Rector to Heritage, Graphic Image, Energy Policies and Environmental Protection. He also taught in the Faculties of Architecture of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and of the Second University of Naples. From 2013 to 2018 he was director of the “Pietro Vannucci” Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia.
Alfonso Femia
È ideatore e co-fondatore nel 1995 di 5+1, lo studio che diventa 5+1AA nel 2005 e cambia poi la propria denominazione in Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia nel 2017. È stato docente alla Kent State University di Firenze, alle facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara e di Genova e visiting professor all’università di Hong Kong (Cina).
Nel 2019, è stato direttore artistico della terza edizione della Biennale di Pisa. Tra i suoi progetti più recenti: Les Docks a Marsiglia, la nuova sede BNL-BNP Paribas a Roma, la Dallara Academy a Parma e The Corner Milano. Attualmente sono in corso i progetti urbani di La Ciotat, Montpellier, Lione, Tolosa, Avignone, Marsiglia, Tashkent, Milano, Algeri, La Spezia e Roma.
Massimo Mercati
AD Aboca
Massimo Mercati è nato a Città di Castello nel 1971. Dopo essersi laureato in Giurisprudenza, si è dedicato alla gestione dell’azienda di famiglia, Aboca, della quale è ora amministratore delegato. Ha fondato la rete delle Farmacie Apoteca Natura ed è presidente delle Farmacie Comunali di Firenze. Vive a Sansepolcro. Si è spesso interessato del tema della visione sistemica della vita, seguendo gli studi che in questo settore sono stati portati avanti dal fisico Fritjof Capra. Per Aboca edizioni ha pubblicato L’impresa come sistema vivente. Una nuova visione per creare valore e proteggere il futuro (2020).
Massimo Pica Ciamarra
Architect & Designer
qualified University Teacher 1969; from 1971 to 2007 Teacher of Architectural Design at the University of Naples/Federico II; 1977 Committee 30-Architecture / Council of Tall Building and Urban Habitat, Lehigh University-USA / Italian speaker in the 2nd World Congress “2001-Urban Spaces for Life and Work” Paris/UNESCO; in 1991 a founding member of IDIS –Istituto per la diffusione e la valorizzazione della cultura scientifica; 1993/94 in “Ecoville-Europe”, Ministère de l’Equipement / Ministère de l’Environnement, Paris-La Villette; from 1997 to 2011 IN/Arch National Vice-President 1997/2011 National Vice President IN/Arch; from 2012 Vice-President of the “Fondazione Italiana per la Bioarchitettura e l’Antropizzazione sostenibile dell’Ambiente”; President of the Scientific Committees of Bioarchitettura®, IN/Arch, Biennale di Architettura di Pisa 2017 (honorary); Professor I.A.A. International Academy of Architecture; 1997 In France, as the President of O.I.A.-Observatoire International de l’Architecture / Paris– promoted the project for the “Directive européenne sur l’architecture et le cadre de vie”; in 2018 promoted “Civilizzare lUrbano – ETS”
Mara Servetto
Architect & Designer
Mara Servetto, a three-time Compasso d’Oro Award winner, is Visiting Professor at Joshibi University in Tokyo. A former pupil of Achille Castiglioni, in 1997 she founded the studio Migliore+Servetto Architects with Ico Migliore. Ranging from interior architecture to retail, museums to exhibition, urban design to visual identity and multimedia, their works are characterized by a constant research into the relationship between spatial design and identity, also by means of expressive use of light and new technologies, with a view to a new form of cultural sustainability. Recent projects include: the permanent exhibition of the historic Compasso d’Oro ADI Collection within the new ADI Design Museum in Milan, and the Blue Line Park, involving the transformation of 5km area of abandoned railway into a narrative linear park. This urban renewal project received the “City_Brand&Tourism Landscape Award 2021”.
Guendalina Salimei
Guendalina Salimei, Architect and Professor of Architectural Design, director of the Master “Progettazione degli Edifici per il Culto” and professor of the PhD Theories and Design at Sapienza in Rome, is a member of the Italian-German center of excellence Villa Vigoni, the Michelucci Foundation, the Inarch and the UIA Work Program. She carry out a fruitful collaboration activity with the TUD of Darmstadt in Germany, with the NUCE of Hanoi in Vietnam, the KSUAE of Kazan in Tatarstan and the University of Sant’Anselmo in the Vatican City. She has always led her professional activity and research activity in parallel, in a constant contamination of themes and interests. In ’92 she founded T-Studio, whose activity finds a specific field of investigation in the complex relationships that are established between the design methodologies and the intervention methods of the built and natural environment. Her work, often operating in urban decay and social conditions, combines innovation and tradition, with a sensitive awareness of the local habitat. Winner of numerous awards both in Italy and abroad, among her most significant achievements: the Art Museum in Foligno, the Auditorium della Tecnica and the Mazzacurati school in Rome, the Cosenz barracks in Gaeta, the cemeteries of Frascati and Naples, the waterfronts in Taranto, Naples and Corigliano, Sparano street in Bari, reuses in Ferrara and Bologna, the fourth floor of the Corviale building and social housing in Rome, Ceccano and Latina. She designed an eco-neighborhood in Bratislava and numerous projects in Vietnam such as the eco-city in Dao Viet. There are many participations by her as a member of juries for architecture awards and committees for the qualitative evaluation of the architectural environment and as a speaker at conferences on the themes of sustainable architecture, urban reuse, sacred architecture and others. She is the author of numerous national and international publications as well as a member of the scientific committee of the journal Metamorfosi.
Benedetta Tagliabue
Founder Miralles Tagliabue EMBT - Barcelona
Benedetta Tagliabue studied architecture at the Istituto di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV) and currently acts as director of the international architecture firm Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, founded in 1994 in collaboration with Enric Miralles, based in Barcelona and, Shanghai and Paris.Among her most notable projects built are the Edinburgh Parliament, Diagonal Mar Park, the Santa Caterina market in Barcelona, Campus Universitario de Vigo, and the Spanish Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo which was awarded the prestigious RIBA International “Best International Building of 2011” award.
Current studio projects include the Business School of Fudan University in Shanghai, office towers in Xiamen and Taichung, public spaces of HafenCity in Hamburg Germany, and the metro station Clichy-Montfermeil in Paris, France (1st prize in competition), the Naples Underground Central Station in Italy, among others.
Marco Tortoioli Ricci
Design Director
Diplomato all’’Isia di Urbino nel 1989, allievo di Michele Provinciali e Alfred Hohenegger, dal 1990 al 1993 è Art Director presso lo studio Dolcini Associati (Pu), nel 1993 fondatore di Bcpt Associati (Pg) e nel 2003 del collettivo Co.Mo.Do per la Comunicazione sociale. Dal 1990 si occupa della progettazione di sistemi di identità visiva e design dei sistemi con speciale riferimento alla comunicazione dei territori e dei luoghi progetto e branding. Ha svolto attività di design consultant per importanti società private e pubbliche (Mondadori, Applicando, Emu, Listone Giordano Margaritelli, Apple Italia, Regione Umbria, Festival dei Teatri di Santarcangelo, Fondazione Umbria Jazz, Fontanot scale, Parqueterie Berrichonne, Poltronova, Tagina Ceramiche, Ferrero Legno, Fiera Milano, Lafarge Roofing Italia, Merker, Fondazione Olivetti, Torino World Design Capital 2008, Etimos, Sviluppumbria, Jordan Government Ministry of Tourism,, Buenos Aires Centro Cultural Chacra del los Remedios). Numerosi suoi progetti e ideazioni di marchi (Regioni Umbria e Sardegna, Comune di Gualdo) hanno ricevuto riconoscimenti italiani e internazionali (Adi Design Index, European Design Award, ecc). È stato consigliere nazionale Aiap per due mandati dal 2000 al 2006. Svolge attività didattica in corsi e master internazionali, dal 2006 è docente di Metodologia del Progetto e curatore di progetti specifici all’Isia di Urbino e dal 2014 docente di Design III presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti ‘Pietro Vannucci’ di Perugia. Dal 2019 presidente Aiap.
Patricia Viel
Architect and CEO ACPV
Patricia Viel, francese, nata a Milano nel 1962, si laurea in Architettura al Politecnico di Milano nel 1987. Inizia la sua collaborazione con Antonio Citterio nel 1986. Dal 1999 è socia dello Studio e responsabile dell’architettura. Partecipa come relatore a numerosi incontri di studio come esperta di una concezione di architettura ispirata ad una forte integrazione fra progetto e paesaggio urbano.
Dal 2005 al 2012 fa parte del Consiglio direttivo dell’Istituto Nazionale di Architettura, IN/ARCH. Dal 2009 al 2012 fa parte della Commissione per il Paesaggio del Comune di Milano. A settembre 2009 lo studio ha cambiato la propria denominazione sociale in Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel (ACPV) .