Paolo Belardi

Civil engineer

Paolo Belardi (Gubbio 1958), graduated with honors in Civil Construction Engineering in 1982 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, is a student of Vittorio De Feo and is full professor of “Architectural and urban composition” in the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental University of Perugia, where he is president of the degree course in Design, head of the degree course in “Planet Life Design” and delegate of the Rector to Heritage, Graphic Image, Energy Policies and Environmental Protection. He also taught in the Faculties of Architecture of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and of the Second University of Naples. From 2013 to 2018 he was director of the “Pietro Vannucci” Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia.

seed festival design architettura perugia assisi antonio brunori

Antonio Brunori

Forester & journalist

Forest professional expert, forestry and agricultural journalist, is graduated in Forestry Science at Firenze University (Italy), in “Agroforestry” at UFL, Dept of Forest Resources and Conservation of Gainesville – Florida (USA), with a Ph.D. at University of Perugia (Italy) – Dept of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences on ecosystem services in Olea europaea plantations.
From 2001 he is Secretary General of PEFC Italy (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) and member of the International PEFC Task Force for the development of the certification standard for sustainable agriculture.
He has participated in international projects on issues of legality, sustainable forest management and the enhancement of forest products and in Italy in projects on the issues of enhancement of nearby forestry chains and ecosystem services.

Alfonso Femia


È ideatore e co-fondatore nel 1995 di 5+1, lo studio che diventa 5+1AA nel 2005 e cambia poi la propria denominazione in Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia nel 2017. È stato docente alla Kent State University di Firenze, alle facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara e di Genova e visiting professor all’università di Hong Kong (Cina).
Nel 2019, è stato direttore artistico della terza edizione della Biennale di Pisa. Tra i suoi progetti più recenti: Les Docks a Marsiglia, la nuova sede BNL-BNP Paribas a Roma, la Dallara Academy a Parma e The Corner Milano. Attualmente sono in corso i progetti urbani di La Ciotat, Montpellier, Lione, Tolosa, Avignone, Marsiglia, Tashkent, Milano, Algeri, La Spezia e Roma.